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Monday, July 7, 2014

Things that Make Me Smile .. :)

So obviously I  am no blogger. But I've seen this blog everyday in July challenge going around and thought it would be neat to join in on {some of them}.

Today's topic is
Things That Make me Smile
  • Long weekends - coming off of a long weekend is rough (makes Monday suck so much more!! :( BUT having that extra day at home is awesome. I feel like I am able to get so much done.. whether it be cleaning (hah) or spending time with the kids.
  • Sunshine - my number 1 thing about summer that I love is getting a tan!! I love laying in the sun while the kids play in the pool, reading a book on my kindle while the sun turns me nice & brown. Seriously there are not many things more relaxing than this.
  • The fact that we will be on vacation next week! Yay I have missed the beach.
  • When everyone eats what I cook and at least seem to like it!
  • Hearing my 3 yr old talk. You can't help but smile listening to the ramblings of a toddler as he tells a story about his day, or tries to persuade you that he does need a cookie before dinner!! He "really really" does! :p
  • That my 9 yr old not only loves to read, but loves listening to the music I like. She is a regular mini-me and I love it. For now at least - dread those teenage years! Eek!
  • Reality tv. I can't help. I'm addicted & find myself laughing along like I *know* them. Real Housewives of the OC anyone?
  • When that last patient of the day shows up. So nice knowing you are almost done for her day :) 
  • Online shopping. I may have spent a lot of my morning doing some online browsing and making a mental wish list of things I NEED. <--- hah I sound like my toddler ;)


  1. Long weekends really are the best. And even though I don't admit it to many people, I secretly LOVE reality tv. I watch The Kardashians whenever people aren't around. I can't help it, reality tv is addictive :)

  2. Long weekends are amazing..and I can relate with the 3 years old talking--my nephew comes out with the most random things, and I could tlak to him for hours!!!

